Fit Father Project FF30X Day 17
Fit Father Project FF30X Day 17
- Day 17 Morning
- Day 17 Night
It was Sunday so I was able to sleep in a little bit.
I had my excellent shake #2 for breakfast which I’m still really happy with.
For lunch I tried a new On The Go meal at Taco Bell for lunch.
It was a good call because the Taco Bell lunch filled me up and tasted delightful.
On Sunday evening we went over to my son’s friend’s house for a barbecue.
I had marinated chicken, grilled onions, grilled bell peppers, grilled zuchini, and a grilled jalapeno.
The dinner was delicious and I ate a lot of vegetables.
I drank all of my water for the day.
Since I had an early dinner, I was still hungry before I went to bed. I had some frozen mixed berries to fill up on.
I haven’t really talked about the topic of going out to eat or to a family function.
The Fit Father Project FF30X meal plan teaches you to ent healthy, sensible sized, lower calorie meals.
We went to a restaraunt last week and I had to pick something quickly off the menu that fit into the guidelines of the Fit Father Project FF30X meal plan.
I’d recommend checking the restaurant’s menu on their website or go to yelp beforehand to pick out what you want to eat.
When you’re sitting at the counter or the waiter is there sometimes it’s too late and you rush to pick something.
Plan ahead and it’s much easier.
I’m almost 2 1/2 weeks into the Fit Father Project FF30X.
The Apex workout has been intense.
It’s nice to rest up on the weekend.
I’ve had 6 Apex workouts so far and I can feel it in my arms and chest.