Fit Father Project FF30X Day 22

Fit Father Project FF30X Day 22

I’m still enjoying my shake #2 for breakfast.

I didn’t make my lunch the night before so I got an On The Go meal for lunch at Subway.

It was a later lunch than usual since I was busy at work.

I got it down now at Subway and know exactly what to order.

Since it was a late lunch, I skipped my afternoon snack.

I drank all my water for the day.

I did my first high intensity workout after I got home.

It’s a real workout  and I really worked hard.

It increases your metabolism.

It’s a butt kicking, hard workout for a short period of time.

It felt good.

Dr. Anthony really knows what he’s doing and these program change ups are a nice addition to my Fit Father Project FF30X schedule.

I enjoyed dinner.

I had chicken with a teaspoon of Trader Joe’s Soyaki, some brown rice, and fresh asparagus.

I got an email for a success tracker from Dr. Anthony the day before on day 21.

I haven’t had a chance to read it yet, but will tomorrow on Saturday.

Fit Father Project Review




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